A big thanks to our esteemed Judges - Moyra Donaldson and Annemarie Ní Churreáin (Poetry), and Lucy Caldwel, Paul McVeigh and Rachael Kelly (Short Story) for their hard work.
A big thanks to the Sponsors of the 2021 Awards, NIPR Books and The River Mill, for their continued support of the Awards.
The winner of the Maírtin Crawford Award for Poetry 2021 was Luke Allan. Click here to read his winning collection of poems.
Luke is poetry editor at Partus Press, co-editor of the magazine's Pain and Oxford Poetry, and runs the book design studio Studio Lamont. He studied literature and creative writing at UEA and Oxford and is former managing editor at Carcanet Press and PN Review. His poems are published in the TLS, the Literary Review, and The Poetry Review. He received the 2019 Charles Causley International Poetry Prize and the 2021 Mairtín Crawford Award. He currently lives in Iowa City, where he is a Fellow in Book Arts at the Center for the Book. For more information about Luke visit LukeAllan.com
Judges Moyra Donaldson and Annemarie Ní Churreáin had the following to say about Luke's work:
These were poems that just kept subverting expectations. They took us as readers to unexpected places and brought startling new perspectives, it really felt like a very unique voice.
Annemarie and Luke had an interesting email interview during the Summer of 2021: Click here to download a copy of the interview.
The winner of the Maírtin Crawford Award for Short Story 2021 was Lucy Beevor and her story Landslide. Click here to read her winning work.
Lucy lives and works in Belfast. In 2019 she received a Support for the Individual Artist Programme award from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. In 2018/19 she was an X:Borders participant with the Irish Writers Centre and a finalist for the Michael McLaverty Short Story Award. Her writing has also been short-listed for the Mairtín Crawford Award for Short Story 2019, the John O’Connor Short Story Prize 2018 and the Bath Flash Fiction Award. In 2016 she co-conceived and curated with poet Thérèse Kieran ‘Death Box’, an exhibition of poetry and prose at the Crescent Arts Centre.
Judge's Lucy Caldwell and Paul McVeigh had the following to say about Lucy's work;
Every detail of the world felt deeply imagined. Every sentence carefully polished, the emotions underplayed so that they shone.