Sadly, because of the problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Belfast Book Festival did not take place in June 2020. Due to the scale of the Festival, and the inclusion of artists who would be required to travel, we decided that rescheduling the Festival as a whole was not feasible. However, we were delighted to continue to run the Mairtín Crawford Awards.
The winners of the Awards were announced in June 2020. Click here to read more about the winners of the Awards along with their winning work.
Despite all the challenges which the lockdown has presented us with - both personally and professionally - we were determined to continue to host the Mairtín Crawford Awards this year. Arts and culture have played a central role in helping many people navigate the lockdown period and the quality and variety of entries to this year’s Awards were a real tribute to what artists can produce under challenging circumstances. CEO of The Crescent, Sophie Hayles